Sensory Sensitive Showings are designed specifically for customers with autism and other special sensory needs.
During Sensory Sensitive Showings, we turn the volume down and the lights up. Customers with special dietary restrictions may bring in their own special snacks. There will be no previews or ads before the movie. During the movie, you may get up and walk around, dance, sing, clap, and shout—without being a disruption. If you know any families with a sensory sensitive member, please help us spread the word!
The cost is $3.00 per ticket
Upcoming Sensory Sensitive Dates:
(dates are tentative and subject to change)
Saturday, January 24th at 11:00am
Saturday, February 21st at 11:00am
Saturday, March 21st at 11:00am
Saturday, April 18th at 11:00am
Saturday, May 16th at 11:00am
call: 503-585-4232 or
e-mail: info@northernlightstheatrepub.com